This altar statue was imported from Greece and created by Greek artists in honor of the Old Gods. In Greek mythology satyrs are a troop of male compan...More
This altar statue was imported from Greece and created by Greek artist...
Palm reading is a lot easier than you may think. No cards, no coins, no charts of the planets-just a hand and the knowledge in this book. Whether your...More
Palm reading is a lot easier than you may think. No cards, no coins, n...
Zeus is the "Father of Gods and men" rules the Olympians of Mount Olympus as a father rules the family according to the ancient Greek religion. He is ...More
Zeus is the "Father of Gods and men" rules the Olympians of Mount Olym...
This statue, lovingly carved from granite by artisans in Egypt, features the god Anubis. Invite Anubis to grace your altar with the sacred magic of th...More
This statue, lovingly carved from granite by artisans in Egypt, featur...
This gorgeous black-handled necromancer's dagger features a black ram horn handle and a stunning bronze skull pommel. It was specially created for Ome...More
This gorgeous black-handled necromancer's dagger features a black ram ...
This gorgeous black-handled athame features a black-stained kermes oak handle and a stunning bronze wolf head pommel. It was specially created for Ome...More
This gorgeous black-handled athame features a black-stained kermes oak...
This statue, lovingly carved and hand-painted from polystone by artisans in Egypt, features a kneeling goddess Maat with her wings outstretched and cr...More
This statue, lovingly carved and hand-painted from polystone by artisa...
This statue, lovingly carved by artisans in Egypt, features the goddess Sekhmet crowned with the solar disk and the uraeus serpent. Invite Sekhmet to ...More
This statue, lovingly carved by artisans in Egypt, features the goddes...
The Angel Inspiration Deck was created to bring you closer to the Angels so that you may receive their assistance. This luminous 44-card deck includes...More
The Angel Inspiration Deck was created to bring you closer to the Ange...
This ritual sistrum, lovingly carved by artisans in Egypt, features the goddess Hathor and inscriptions of hieroglyphics. Invite Hathor to grace your ...More
This ritual sistrum, lovingly carved by artisans in Egypt, features th...
This statue, lovingly carved and hand-painted from polystone by artisans in Egypt, features the god Ptah, holding the Was staff. Invite Ptah to grace ...More
This statue, lovingly carved and hand-painted from polystone by artisa...
This statue, lovingly carved from polyester and hand-painted by artisans in Egypt, features a kneeling goddess Isis spreading her wings of protection....More
This statue, lovingly carved from polyester and hand-painted by artisa...
The 25 stones in this set are recreations of the Viking Runes, with perpendicular and oblique lines on each stone. Complete with 150-page,illustrated ...More
The 25 stones in this set are recreations of the Viking Runes, with pe...
The First Pentacle of Mars is a powerful tool of magical evocation that the Greater Key of Solomon tells us “is proper for invoking spirits of the n...More
The First Pentacle of Mars is a powerful tool of magical evocation tha...
The Ephesian Artemis, the “great mother goddess” also mentioned in the New Testament (Acts 19), was extremely popular in the ancient world, as we ...More
The Ephesian Artemis, the “great mother goddess” also mentioned in...
Love is the strongest magic! This potion is steeped in the fragrant scents of love and romance including pure rose, jasmine, neroli, and frangipani. W...More
Love is the strongest magic! This potion is steeped in the fragrant sc...
This unique bronze athame was envisioned by Christian Day to honor the Snake Goddess of ancient Minoan culture and was specially created for Omen by a...More
This unique bronze athame was envisioned by Christian Day to honor the...