No matter how profound and deep the Taoist teachings are, the Taoist Masters wanted to live in playfulness. And yet they lived in a world full of Suffering and difficulties. They knew they could not change the world to make it did a joyful… Read more.
No matter how profound and deep the Taoist teachings are, the Taoist Masters wanted to live in playfulness. And yet they lived in a world full of Suffering and difficulties. They knew they could not change the world to make it did a joyful place to be, and so they cultivated a joyful mind to compensate for this often joyless world. The Taoist masters tell us that the way is very simple and easy. We only need to choose to be joyful, in each moment. No one can prevent us from ever stepping on stones that hurt our feet, but we can choose how long we will go on thinking about it and remembering it once the pain has stopped. The mind that lives in joy does not live in complaint. Let the world be as it is, and don't try to change it. Let your mind be what it is, and always try to choose to to see the most beautiful thing available in each moment. We attain joy by choosing it over and over again. Always, right now.