To the Taoist Masters, power came through understanding and seeing yourself. The martial arts master felt every subtlety of his movement. The calligraphers grip on his pen was one of perfect balance. Each thing was done with poise and… Read more.
To the Taoist Masters, power came through understanding and seeing yourself. The martial arts master felt every subtlety of his movement. The calligraphers grip on his pen was one of perfect balance. Each thing was done with poise and equilibrium. Power is nothing more than the ability to get things done. Great power appears when things are done both inwardly and outwardly. Keen and sharp senses, a good balance, and avoiding the damaging extremes; these were the tools of power for the Taoist master. The simple business of paying attention to each thing, and remaining aware in each moment, brought the Taoist masters power whose greatness lay in its subtlety and gentleness. To do all without doing, and to see the world without leaving one's home, is the greatest power. This same power allowed these masters to enter into the depths of their own being, where powers that work in the world mean nothing.